Available Resources.

Inner Healing
This course is designed to help get you free from the lies we believe about ourselves. Which in turn will empower us to say no to bad habits and yes to forming good habits that lead to positive change in our lives.

Audio Message
Listen to the Gripping Personal Testimony of Megan Rea as she offers you a means to live above your own set of painful or confusing circumstances.

Learn how to create a compelling vision for your life and actually make it happen. You'll learn how to create a vision, develop a plan, and persevere to achieve your desired outcome.

Marriage Course
Create the frame work to take your marriage from roommates to romance. You'll get access to dozens of Engaging and informative marriage videos, strategic discussion guides, and creative couples projects for each video.

Premarriage Course
This course is designed to help you build a solid foundation for your marriage relationship. It will teach you how to communicate, divide roles and responsibilities, and learn how love grows and changes over time.

Marriage Course and Coaching
We'll give you a thorough online assessment of your relationship, a customized couples report, a one hour coaching session and actionable steps and exercises to help you have the marriage you've always dreamed of. You'll also receive our Make Love Work Marriage Course.